Window opens for Codex Trust Fund applications


Round 3 of the “Call for Applications” for support from the FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund (CTF) opened on 15 August 2018. Currently, 105 countries are eligible to apply for funding either individually or in a group application with other countries before 30 November 2018.

The Codex Trust Fund provides support for up to three years to undertake key activities that build national Codex capacity. These include: awareness raising to secure political and economic support for Codex in the country; training courses for members of national Codex committees and; development of procedures to guide national Codex work.

Dr Soumya Swaminathan, Deputy Director-General for Programmes of the World Health Organization, highlighted that “the Codex Trust Fund helps ensure that Codex standards protect consumer health everywhere and helps drive economic development through access to international trade in food.” She added, “Every year we have seen an increase in the number of robust applications and we are confident that the third round will confirm this trend.” 

“Within Codex circles, we often hear the expression ‘levelling the trade playing field’, which captures what the Codex Trust Fund does,” said Sarah Cahill, Senior Food Standards Officer with the Codex Secretariat, underscoring the importance of all Codex Members engaging in the food standard-setting and implementation process.

Countries or groups of countries wishing to apply for support are invited to follow the “Guidelines on the Application Process” 

After the submission deadline, applications will be pre-screened by the Codex Trust Fund Secretariat for completeness and reviewed by the Technical Review Group. Final decisions on applications to be supported from Round 3 will be taken by the CTF Steering Committee in early 2019.

Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar and Senegal were the first countries to receive CTF support in 2016. During the second round of applications ten countries were selected for support starting in 2018: Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, FYR of Macedonia, Guinea, Honduras, India, Mali, Nepal and Rwanda.


Read more about:

The application process

The Codex Trust Fund

A Codex Trust Fund 2 project launched in Honduras

The CAC41 side event  on CTF2 project results

Watch a recent video “Building Codex Globally – Ghana
