Bringing science to high-quality cuisine


Famous chef demonstrates the WHO Five Keys to Food Safety

Heinz Beck, a well known three-star Michelin chef, gave Codex Members and Observers a glimpse of his approach to creating fine, safe cuisine. Cooking up a symphony of ‘vegetables of the heart’, Beck emphasized the importance of food hygiene and applying Codex standards in the kitchen.

FAO Deputy Director-General Maria Helena Semedo introduced Beck, highlighting the principles to which he adheres: circular economy, zero food waste, tasty and healthy food, which help conserve natural resources and keep customers returning. He brings science to the production of high-quality dishes, she said, noting that he and FAO work on matters of common interest: the supply chain, sustainability and the role of science and technology in food.

“We should all know about food safety and quality, no matter where you eat,” Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt said, explaining why the Codex Secretariat invited a chef to the event.

Guilherme da Costa (Codex Chairperson), Francoise Fontannaz-Aujoulat (WHO) and Codex Secretary Tom Heilandt with chef Heinz Beck

Bringing to life the WHO Five Keys to Safer Food, Beck provided some concrete advice while showing how he creates one of his signature dishes: hands, surfaces and uniforms should be kept clean at all times, raw meat separate from other foods, foods cooked thoroughly, fresh fruits and vegetables refrigerated and washed with water before use.

“We are what we eat,” the chef said, stressing the importance of safe and nutritious food.

The event gave visibility to Costa Rica’s proposal for a World Food Safety Day that will go before the United Nations General Assembly later this year.

Originally from Germany, Beck has headed up La Pergola restaurant in Rome, Italy for the last 24 years, inspired by nature to create his works of art.

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