FAO Conference adopts draft resolution for a World Food Safety Day


World Food Safety Day will raise awareness of the global threat posed by foodborne diseases and reinforce the need for governments, the food industry and individuals to do more to make food safe and prevent these diseases.

Ren Wang
Director FAO Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection

Yesterday (Wednesday 5th July) the 40th session of FAO Conference adopted a draft resolution, to be transmitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations with a view to having the General Assembly of the United Nations consider, at is next session, declaring June 7th as World Food Safety Day.


The Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission made the proposal for the establishment of a World Food Safety Day on a permanent basis at its 39th Session in Rome in 2016.

International support

Costa Rica, one of the original sponsors of the proposal, requested support for endorsement of the initiative for a World Food Safety Day stressing the significant threat to health worldwide and the obstacles to socio-economic development posed by foodborne disease.

Argentina, speaking on behalf of the Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC), supported the initiative and recalled that those suffering most from hunger and malnutrition often consume contaminated and adulterated food, and that as the complexity of the food chain increases so will public concern on food safety.

Venezuela, speaking on behalf of the G77 and China, expressed support for the work of Codex and reaffirmed the importance of the initiative, mindful also of the relevance of food safety and food security for SDGs and zero hunger.

Estonia, speaking of behalf of the 28 EU Member States, supported the proposal and confirmed the great importance they attach to the work of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme in Codex. They recalled the critical importance of standards for consumer health and for ensuring fair practices in food trade and repeated their concern that sufficient resources for scientific advice be made available to Codex.

The Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission Mrs Awilo Ochieng Pernet said: "The World Food Safety Day will contribute to raising awareness about the importance of food safety among all relevant stakeholders including the public and private sectors and all actors in the food chain, from primary producers to consumers. This will enhance consumer health protection and lead to a reduction in foodborne diseases".

Moving forwards with WHO

Once the FAO Conference report has been adopted, as Codex is a joint FAO/WHO programme, discussions will need to take place with WHO for a similair resolution to be passed by its governing body. Should that passage be successful then the proposal to declare June 7th as World Food Safety Day will be able to move forward to the United Nations General Assembly.


Read the draft resolution here

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