Codex OCS: current status, access and resources


The Online Commenting System (OCS) is a new way for Codex members and observers to provide input during the standard setting process.

The Codex Secretariat announced here, on July 14th the implementation of the system and as of today, the following requests for comments at step 6 have been made through the OCS:

  • CL 2016/19-NFSDU - Draft NRV-R for Vitamin E
  • CL 2016/23-SCH - Draft Standard for Cumin
  • CL 2016/24-SCH - Draft Standard for Thyme
  • CL 2016/25-MMP - Draft Standard for Dairy Permeate Powders
  • CL 2016/26-FICS - Draft Guidance for Monitoring the Performance of National Food Control Systems
  • CL 2016/27-PR - Draft Guidelines on Performance Criteria for Methods of Analysis for the Determination of Pesticide Residues in Food
  • CL 2016/30-FFV - Draft Standard for Aubergines

The current list of Circular Letters can be consulted here.

Codex members and observers are invited to read the OCS user manual. Usernames for members are the three-digit ISO codes also used to login to the Codex website; observers’ usernames consist of their acronym as listed on the Codex website. Passwords have been automatically generated by the system and may be changed after login.

Contact: [email protected]

System link: 

OCS resource page: