TTIP: A Deal in 2016?


On Friday 13th May in FAO HQ, Brian Kilgallen, Policy Officer DG SANTE, European Commission and TTIP SPS Negotiator will give his views on aspects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership of interest to Codex.

3 years of controversy

After three years controversy surrounds the EU-US TTIP negotiations more than ever. Public concern in Europe has focused on the bilateral agreement leading to a lowering of food safety standards and that it will open the doors to sub-standard US food.

No race "to the bottom"

The EU Commission insists that there will be no race to the bottom and that TTIP will benefit all. Dr Kilgallen aims to give an objective interpretation of the state of play of the TTIP negotiations, focussing specifically on the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) aspects of TTIP.

While elaborating the priorities for the EU and US, he will also give his views on how a possible trade deal will affect the rest of the world and ultimately, what the implications are of a deal of this scale on agreed international standards.


Office of the United States Trade Representative

European Commission Trade Policy