Talk Codex: webinar with FAO Food Safety Network
The Food Safety Technical Network (FSTN) is holding the first of a series of meetings/webinars on Codex issues that are of relevance to FSTN work and their interactions with country counterparts.
It will take place on Thursday 12th May 2016, from 14:00 – 15:00 CET
During this first event Sebastian Hielm, David Massey, and Mirko Montuori from the Codex Secretariat of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme will:
- Present Codex web tools and resources
- Share their experiences using social media and illustrate how colleagues might contribute with experiences and stories of their own
- Introduce the new online commenting system
You can also send questions in on twitter to @FAOWHOCodex in advance or live during the webinar using the hashtag #TalkCodex
The meeting/webinar will be held in the Austria Room in FAO Headquarters. Colleagues in the field are invited to join the meeting online through the following link:
The session is being organized by Cornelia Boesch, on behalf of the FSTN.