Codex to use new online commenting system for draft standards


The Codex secretariat is happy to announce that FAO has signed a contract with PleaseTech for anew Online Commenting System (OCS) following a thorough procurement process. The system, called PleaseReview, will enable Codex members and observers to share and submit comments on draft standards online at the click of a button.

A revolution in Codex work

In the words of Tom Heilandt, Secretary of Codex Alimentarius:

"This new tool will certainly revolutionise our work and communications amongst the Codex community. By saving everyone’s time, the OCS will help ensuring that the Codex Alimentarius Commission fulfils its mandate of protecting the health of consumers and ensuring fair practices in the food trade"

Improved consultation and work management

Codex contact points will find it much easier to draft, share and submit comments on Codex texts and the OCS will allow the Codex secretariat to manage consultation processes by automating notifications, compiling comments in an easy and efficient manner, and providing data for analysis.

Three sisters collaboration

The purchase of PleaseReview is the result of a long-standing collaboration between Codex and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) secretariat. Already in 2012, the WTO-SPS Committee welcomed the development of joint activities among its “Three Sisters” (Codex Alimentarius, IPPC and The World Organization for Animal Health OIE), and noted an OCS as one possible tool for enhancing such collaboration.

Greater participation through multi-language commenting

The OCS will also guarantee better time management for the processing and gathering of comments, but this will require efforts from all members: indeed, comments that are submitted on time have the “advantage” of being translated into the other Codex languages, which in turn gives members the opportunity to share their views with the whole Codex community before the Committee sessions.


See an example of how PleaseReview works:



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