The CCNE Region - Regional Coordinator Saudi Arabia

In 1999 the 23rd session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission established the Regional Coordinating Committee for the Near East, bringing together countries in the Near East Region (for FAO) and the Eastern Mediterranean Region (for WHO). The committee held its first meeting in Cairo, Egypt in 2001.

The current regional coordinator for the Near East is based in the Saudi Food and Drug Authority in Riyadh.

The coordinator’s goals in leading the region in Codex include developing and strengthening Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committees as well as improving communication and coordination amongst CCNE members, with other regions and the Codex Secretariat.

A further objective is to develop the exchange of scientific and technical expertise amongst experienced and less experienced countries in the region.

The coordinator aims to promote the use of Codex standards as a basis for national legislation and regulations and continue work developing and reviewing Codex standards taking into account regional interests.

CCNE Coordinator

All information on Codex is public and free.

For regional enquiries contact:

CCNE Secretariat
Saudi Food & Drug Authority
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966 11 2038222 Ext: 3347

Email: [email protected]

WFSD video / in Kuwait, food safety is everyone’s business

May 24, 2020, 09:28 AM by System

To celebrate World Food Safety Day (WFSD) the Codex Contact Point of Kuwait based in the Public Authority for Food and Nutrition (PAFN) has developed a video. In line with the 2020 WFSD theme of Food safety, everyone’s business the short film brings together the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Health, the Public Authority of Agricultural affairs and fisheries, PAFN itself - which is responsible for developing the national food safety policy, food laboratories, farmers, food business operators, food inspectors, nutritionists and consumers.

The video showcases the multitude of different stakeholders who all share an interest in ensuring food is safe. Underlining the need for the highest levels of safety and security achieved through food safety standards throughout the national food system, the video clearly shows how all those involved work together to the ensure residents and citizens of Kuwait have safe food.


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