The CCNASWP Region
Regional Coordinator Fiji

The 18th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, held in 1989, agreed to establish a new Coordinating Committee for North America and the South West Pacific, bringing together, in the words of the New Zealand delegation "far flung countries ... which have many common interests".

CCNASWP is a remarkably diverse region combining fully mature economies such as the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand with 10 small island states. The largest of these is Papua New Guinea (population over 7 million) and the smallest, the Cook Islands and Nauru with populations of around 10 000.

The regional coordinator is based within the Fijian Ministry of Agriculture.

Fiji looks forward to applying standards at the national level and supporting all countries in the region, especially the small island developing states, to establish a sound policy framework for food safety. These initiatives will support improvements in public health, ensure that imported food is safe and of the expected quality and develop increased access to international markets.

The regional coordinator will continue supporting work on regional standards and seeks to strengthen participation of the region in Codex in general. This can be achieved by continuing to develop capacity at the national level by enhancing the role of national coordinators and contact points for increased and effective participation in Codex.

CCNASWP Coordinator

All information on Codex is public and free.

For regional enquiries contact:

CCNASWP Secretariat
Ministry of Agriculture
Private Mail Bag
Hugh Robinson Complex
Raiwaqa, Suva.

Email: [email protected]

Codex and the pandemic - strategic challenges and opportunities

May 15, 2020, 07:58 AM by System

Raj Rajasekar, Senior Programme Manager, Ministry for Primary Industries - New Zealand.

The Executive Committee informal virtual meeting held on 12 May 2020 provided a timely opportunity to reflect on the impact of the current pandemic on the work of Codex and some of the strategic challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. COVID-19 has spread rapidly across the world since the beginning of the year has had a huge impact on the work of Codex and many other multilateral institutions. The immediate consequence of the pandemic has been the cancellation of meetings scheduled for the first half of 2020 with the prospect of further cancellations or postponements.

The priority of governments around the world has been to protect the health of their populations through strict border controls, travel restrictions - both within countries and across borders - and the enforcement of social distancing requirements.  In these challenging times remote working and the use of video and audio conferencing has become the norm to a level that none of us could have imagined even six months ago. The current movement and travel restrictions and uncertainties around when the pandemic will be brought under control are adding to the uncertainties for countries and international organizations like Codex.

Even in an optimistic scenario the current pandemic is likely to present considerable challenges for Codex. These include:

  • How to ensure that the momentum of work across committees is maintained against the background of significant disruptions to meeting schedules;
  • Constraints to physical participation in future meetings because of budgetary and other limitations including the likelihood of border restrictions and increased costs of travel;
  • How to ensure that new modes of working including virtual meetings are effective in advancing the commission’s work programme whilst consistent with its core values of inclusiveness, transparency, collaboration and consensus.

The new normal.

While the current challenges facing Codex may seem overwhelming the pandemic also presents opportunities for a strategic reassessment of meeting structures and processes against the background of significant technological advances particularly with regard to remote working and audio/video conferencing. While there will always be a place for physical meetings, it is clear even from the limited number of virtual meetings that Codex members have engaged in this far during the COVID-19 pandemic that new technologies could well be made to work for Codex. The work that New Zealand is leading in the Codex Committee on General Principles, on developing procedural guidance for committees working by correspondence, has acquired new relevance and its progression can greatly assist in providing procedural clarity and promoting greater uptake and confidence in alternative methods of working which may well become the ‘new normal'.

An ideal opportunity.

To facilitate further consideration of this issue, New Zealand has offered to prepare a discussion paper for the Executive Committee at its next meeting.  The current pandemic provides an ideal opportunity for Codex to embrace new ways of working, future proof the organization and ensure that it continues to fulfil its mandate, promoting international food standards for health protection and trade.


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Codex Committee on General Principles (CCGP)