The CCLAC Region - Regional Coordinator Ecuador

In 1976 a Coordinating Committee for Latin America, established by the 10th Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1974, held its first meeting in Rome with eight countries from the region in attendance. At its third session a proposal was made to change the name of the committee to its current form (Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean) as this better reflected the membership of the region. In 1984 at its 31st session, the Executive Committee, acting on behalf of the Commission, agreed to this change.

The region of Latin America and the Caribbean is an important actor in the production and trade of food at a global level. The region produces enough food to supply itself and to export, with both water and land resources to produce even more.

The region has enormous natural wealth, a flourishing agricultural industry and a family farming sector that is essential for its population. The promotion and strengthening of food safety must be continued at the level of all regions to guarantee the health of consumers and fair and equitable trade.< /p>

The coordinator, Ecuador is based in AGROCALIDAD an agency attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. They aim to create synergies between countries in the region, to provide mutual support in order to overcome regional problems and examine solutions to common challenges.

The coordinator further aims to strengthen collaboration among countries and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the Commission and its subsidiary bodies.

CCLAC Coordinator

All information on Codex is public and free.

For regional enquiries contact:

CCLAC Secretariat
Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y
Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas
Email: [email protected]

From the field to the table on Costa Rica’s World Food Safety Day

Jun 8, 2022, 12:59 PM by System

The Ministry for the Economy, Industry and Commerce of Costa Rica (MEIC) has produced a video to mark World Food Safety Day this year, with the title “From field to table - the different actors in the production chain”.

The video features six people talking about why food safety is important to them. Each person represents a different step in the food production chain.

Milk producer, Ivannia Quesada says “quality and food safety is present throughout the entire agro-industrial chain, starting with the dairy farms where we have strict norms and procedures for milk production”. This, she says, “results in healthy, safe and nutritious products.” We then meet Martín Solano, Senior Corporate Manufacturing Manager at the Dos Pinos Cooperative, where “all our processes are designed so that by complying with the standards, we can ensure the quality and food safety of all the products we manufacture.”

Next, we meet Adrian Roda, Senior Quality Manager at Dos Pinos and Priscilla Leiva, Food Safety Coordinator. “One of the most important is to protect the health and well-being of our employees”, says Roda, while Leiva says they ensure “good practices that guarantee food safety that begins on the farms with our producers up to the table of our consumers.” Project coordinator, César Fallas says that at his company, Kemical, they reduce food safety risks in the food chain by working “in partnership with our customers and suppliers”.

And finally, consumer Daniela Flores acknowledges her part in ensuring food is safe. “I am aware that safe food ensures better health,” she says, and adds, “food safety is everyone’s business”.

MEIC also produced infographics about “steps for the appropriate care of reusable bottles” in collaboration with partners Universidad de Costa Rica, Universidad Estatal a Distancia and Escuela de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales.

Watch the video