The CCEURO Region - Regional Coordinator Germany

In 1964, at its second session, the Codex Alimentarius Commission established the Coordinating Committee for Europe to succeed the 'European Council of the Codex Alimentarius' and to replace the 'Advisory Group for Europe' set up at its first session in 1963.

The first meeting of the Coordinating Committee for Europe took place in July 1965 in Berne, Switzerland and was attended by 16 countries from the region.

The current coordinator, Germany, is based in the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

Germany’s main priorities as coordinator are to:

  • reduce barriers to active participation of Members of the region in Codex work;
  • increase the awareness of the role of Codex and food safety in general in the transition towards sustainable food systems; and
  • promote the use of Codex standards in priority areas such as antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

In addressing these priorities, the coordinator will use synergies from international and regional level activities of the Codex Secretariat, FAO and WHO as well as Codex Observers.

CCEURO Coordinator

All information on Codex is public and free

For regional enquiries contact:

CCEURO Secretariat
German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Wilhelmstrasse 54, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel :+49 30 18 529 4065
Email: [email protected]

Cleaning and disinfection essential for food safety

Jun 22, 2022, 10:47 AM by System

(See French version below)

GSF - World Food Safety Day
From farm to fork, the Food Safety Culture is the first the concern of the consumer. Without effective cleaning and disinfection, there is no risk-free production. Within GSF, a cleaning and service provider in the food industry, the question is at the heart of our concerns. For that, the Group carries out various actions dedicated to food safety, proof of its commitment.

Thus, GSF promoted an Elearning challenge on food safety, which goal was to train as many employees as possible before World Food Safety Day on 7 June.

To date, GSF food safety experts have carried out more than 30 factory audits over the past 3 months, identifying major proposals for improving cleaning and food safety. (Pictured)

GSF also organized a webinar on the implementation of the food safety culture, attended by more than 70 managers, and brought together more than 20 manufacturers into a symposium on food safety this spring.


GSF - Journée internationale de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments
De la fourche à la fourchette, la Food Safety Culture, c’est avant tout le souci du consommateur. Sans nettoyage et sans désinfection efficaces, il n’y a pas de production sans risque. Chez GSF, prestataire de propreté et services dans l'industrie agroalimentaire, la question est au coeur des préoccupations. Pour cela, le Groupe mène de nombreuses actions en faveur de la sécurité alimentaire, preuve de son engagement.

GSF a ainsi promu un challenge Elearning sur la sécurité alimentaire, dont l'objectif était de former le maximum de salariés avant la journée mondiale de la sécurité alimentaire, le 7 juin dernier.

A ce jour, les experts en sécurité alimentaire de GSF ont réalisé plus de 30 audits d'usines pendant les 3 derniers mois, identifiant des propositions majeures d'amélioration du nettoyage et de la sécurité alimentaire. (photo)

GSF a également organisé un webinaire sur la mise en place de la culture de la sécurité alimentaire, suivi par plus de 70 managers, et réuni plus de 20 industriels autour d'un symposium sur la sécurité alimentaire ce printemps.