Prioritization mechanism / emerging issues or new work proposals

May 15, 2023, 10:21 AM
Title : Prioritization mechanism / emerging issues or new work proposals
Session : 42
Lead host country : germany
Link to eWG forum :
Language : English
Status : Closed
Deadline for registration : Mar 17, 2022, 23:00 PM
Deadline for comments :

 to revise the draft guideline for the preliminary assessment and identification of work priorities for CCNFSDU (REP20/NFSDU Appendix IX) as well as the proposed criteria taking into account the written comments received by the CCNFSDU Secretariat (Germany) as well as the comments and decision made at CCNFSDU41 for the development of a long term work prioritization mechanism and
 to prepare a revised proposed prioritization mechanism for use on a trial basis for consideration by CCNFSDU43.

Committee : CCNFSDU
Countries :
  • Canada
Invitation message for Prioritization mechanism / emerging issues or new work proposals