Management of unsupported compounds without public health concern scheduled for periodic review by JMPR

May 15, 2023, 10:19 AM
Title : Management of unsupported compounds without public health concern scheduled for periodic review by JMPR
Session : 52
Lead host country : chile
Link to eWG forum :
Language : English, Spanish
Status : Closed
Deadline for registration : Jan 4, 2022, 23:00 PM
Deadline for comments : May 9, 2022, 22:00 PM

The EWG should:
(i) further develop a management proposal for unsupported compounds without public health concern scheduled for periodic review based on Option 2b and 3:
(a) Option 2b - Only those CXLs for which there are registrations listed in the national registration database (NRD) will be retained and if so, to outline the amendments required in the Risk Analysis Principles applied by CCPR to operate this option.
(b) Option 3 - Codex members and observers are granted 4 years to fulfil the data requirements to maintain the CXLs. (i.e., 4-year rule). If members or observers are unable to address the data requirements, all CXLs are to be revoked.
The proposal should take into consideration the discussion paper presented in CX/PR 21/52/17, Appendix I, and the written comments submitted and those received during the plenary session.
(ii) further develop the recommendations under CX/PR 21/52/17, Appendix I, Terms of Reference (TOR) (ii) – explore options for efficient data support that could be addressed by Codex, FAO/WHO, JMPR, governments and the industry to further assist countries in implementing either options.
(iii) present a management proposal for consideration by CCPR53 based on the above considerations.

Committee : CCPR
Countries :
  • Australia
  • India
  • Kenya
Invitation message for Management of unsupported compounds without public health concern scheduled for periodic review by JMPR