Joint EWG between CCRVDF and CCPR

May 15, 2023, 10:19 AM
Title : Joint EWG between CCRVDF and CCPR
Session : 25
Lead host country : united-states-of-america
Link to eWG forum :
Language : English
Status : Closed
Deadline for registration : Mar 24, 2022, 23:00 PM
Deadline for comments :

The EWG will review work done cooperatively between CCRVDF and CCPR and identify, if possible, prioritized areas of possible further collaboration between CCRVDF and CCPR, and how this could be carried out (e.g. jointly, in parallel, etc.) so as to facilitate the consideration of compounds with dual uses by both committees and the possible harmonization of MRLs (REP21/CAC, paragraph 64).
Note: This EWG was established by CAC44 (2021) to facilitate work between CCPR and CCRVDF on issues of common interest to both committees notably to enable the establishment of harmonized/single MRLs for compounds with dual uses to the extent possible.
The mandate of this EWG will not address matters pertaining to the mandate of the EWGs established by CCPR and CCRVDF within the framework of cooperation of work between the two committees.
Codex Contact Points are invited to share this invitation with their veterinary services and plant protection offices to facilitate coordination at national level and, if possible to appoint delegates that represent the two services fo faclitate discussion in this EWG.

Committee : CCRVDF
Countries :
Invitation message for Joint EWG between CCRVDF and CCPR