amendment/revision of the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210-1999): Inclusion of avocado oil

May 15, 2023, 10:19 AM
Title : amendment/revision of the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210-1999): Inclusion of avocado oil
Session : 27
Lead host country : mexico
Link to eWG forum :
Language : English, Spanish
Status : Active
Deadline for registration : Feb 27, 2022, 23:00 PM
Deadline for comments : May 4, 2023, 22:00 PM

The EWG will have the task of:
a) Consider proposed values/texts in square brackets;
b) Consider the comments submitted at Step 5/6 in reply to CLs; and
c) Prepare a report of the EWG to be submitted to the Codex Secretariat, at least 3 months in advance of CCFO28.

Committee : CCFO
Countries :
  • United States of America
Invitation message for amendment/revision of the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils (CXS 210-1999): Inclusion of avocado oil