Maximum levels for lead in certain food categories

May 15, 2023, 10:18 AM
Title : Maximum levels for lead in certain food categories
Session : 15
Lead host country : brazil
Link to eWG forum :
Language : English
Status : Closed
Deadline for registration : Jul 14, 2022, 22:00 PM
Deadline for comments : Dec 9, 2022, 23:00 PM

The EWG should consider:
• the possible exclusion of certain foods that may not be able to achieve the proposed ML of 0.02 mg/kg for lead in ready-to-eat meals for infants and young children and
• consider an ML for brown and raw sugars
The consideration of the above points will be made based on data available from GEMS/Food.

Committee : CCCF
Countries :
Invitation message for Maximum levels for lead in certain food categories