Engagement of JMPR in parallel reviews of new compounds

May 15, 2023, 10:18 AM
Title : Engagement of JMPR in parallel reviews of new compounds
Session : 52
Lead host country : canada
Link to eWG forum : https://forum.codex-alimentarius.net/viewforum.php?f=362
Language : English
Status : Closed
Deadline for registration : Dec 9, 2021, 23:00 PM
Deadline for comments : May 9, 2022, 22:00 PM

The EWG should develop a discussion paper outlining the criteria for selecting a global project manager. The global project manager would be responsible for overseeing the parallel review in close collaboration with the JMPR Secretariat, JMPR reviewers, national authorities involved in the parallel review as well as the manufacturer of the nominated pesticide.

Committee : CCPR
Countries :
  • Costa Rica
  • Kenya
Invitation message for Engagement of JMPR in parallel reviews of new compounds