Observer News

24 July 2019

Coordinated research contributing to future standards through Codex mechanism

23 July 2019

Experts agree Codex can build trust in food sold online

06 May 2019

Observer organizations gain prominence on Codex website

04 April 2019

Removing International Trade Challenges For Ripened Cheeses

19 October 2018

Webinar addressing food safety in a nuclear emergency

19 October 2018

Codex featured at the World Dairy Summit

At the heart of the Codex mandate are the core values of collaboration, inclusiveness, consensus building and transparency. Governmental and non-governmental, public and private organizations alike play a vital role in ensuring Codex texts are of the highest quality and based on sound science.

Codex would have little authority in the field of international standard setting if it did not welcome and acknowledge the valuable contributions made by observers. Expert technical bodies, industry and consumer associations contribute to the standard-setting process in a spirit of openness, collaboration and transparency.

Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can apply for observer status in Codex in order to attend and put forward their views at every stage of the standard-setting process.

Observer news

18 April 2023

Three webinars on Codex and food safety for Latin America and the Caribbean

18 April 2023

Contaminants Committee celebrates 60 years of Codex

17 April 2023

CCCF16 / technical working group sessions underway at Codex contaminants committee

04 April 2023

Over 11 200 Codex standards to be harmonized into Bangladeshi food safety legislation

04 April 2023

Codex@60 / Tom Heilandt speaks to CCFA delegates at celebration in Hong Kong

03 April 2023

ACT project in Mongolia: Prudent use of antimicrobials discussed among herders

03 April 2023

Updated twenty-eighth edition now available online

31 March 2023

Codex Observer sees yellow at CCFA

28 March 2023

Spectacular show in Hong Kong celebrates Codex 60th anniversary

27 March 2023

FAO announces new brochure and strategic priorities on food safety at CCFA

27 March 2023

Food additives Committee plays key role in enhancing trust in food safety work

23 March 2023

CCFA53 / pre-session working groups pave the way for a smooth meeting

22 March 2023

CCFA53 / FAN Yongxiang says Hong Kong meeting will strengthen international friendship and collaboration beyond Codex

17 March 2023

Mock Codex sessions aid training for Timor Leste Codex Trust Fund project

15 March 2023

ACT project: Building networks is critical to achieving project goals

15 March 2023

CCNFSDU / willingness to complete work ensures follow-up formula text adopted

14 March 2023

Continent-wide webinar focuses on how improved food safety is essential to achieve nutrition targets and end malnutrition

14 March 2023

El Salvador engages all stakeholders for 2023 Codex Programme

08 March 2023

Much to celebrate at the Codex nutrition committee on women’s day

06 March 2023

World Food Safety Day 2023 will highlight food standards

Codex and Observer

Food is a sensitive commodity, which has travelled
around the world since ancient times.
We might not always know where it comes from,
but we expect it to be available, safe and of good quality.