Czech Republic plans a series of World Food Safety Day publishing activities

Jun 19, 2020, 08:36 AM by System

Here are the planned activites for World Food Safety Day in the Czech Republic.

26 May 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish a short article containing WFSD original key messages on with refence to FAO and WHO activities; and promo materials on social media - Facebook, Twitter (following EFSA activities when key messages and promo materials (images) will be rolled out on social media in a pre-phase starting on 25 May 2020).

2 June 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish a second article concerning WFSD on WFSD history, key messages, links to EFSA, FAO, WHO web pages (following EFSA´s publication of the WFSD page on EFSA’s website on 1 June 2020).

5 June 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish the third article concerning WFSD on food safety issue, key messages, WFSD storyhouse based information.

Ministry of Agriculture will publish a Press Release.

8 June 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish an information concerning a joint EFSA/FAO meeting on social media - Facebook, Twitter (following a joint EFSA/FAO live Q&A on Twitter on 8 June 2020).

25 June 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish an article in “paper” magazine Food Revue (Potravinářská Revue) on food safety issue, WFSD history, key messages.

Food Revueis a technical Journal for Nutrition, Food Production and Trade published since 2004. The aim of the journal Food Revue is to permanently offer space to experts from the above mentioned fields for publishing their opinions and a valuable technical information – workers in food industry, food trade and suppliers and services in the whole sector of food industry; and state administration bodies.

The Food Safety Department (within Ministry of Agriculture) is responsible for communication of risks acting also as the Food Safety Information Centre (, co-ordination of scientific committees providing scientific advice, co-operation with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), management of the Food Safety Co-ordination Unit, Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) co-ordination and for food from animal clones. The Department coordinates monitoring programmes for contaminants in the food chain, it co-operates with European Commission in the field of food contaminants legislation.

The Department processes applications for placing of novel foods and genetically modified food and feed on the market. It is also responsible for preparing food safety strategies.

Regarding campaign on World Food Safety Day, the Food Safety Information Centre (as a part of Food Safety Department of the Ministry of Agriculture) will publish all above-mentioned relevant information at website, Facebook and Twitter (with link to FAO, WHO and EFSA websites as well).

Users of mailing list (more than 4.000 e-mail addresses for automatic dissemination of food safety messages) will be every time informed about the changes and new campaign topics when published.

At the heart of the Codex mandate are the core values of collaboration, inclusiveness, consensus building and transparency. Governmental and non-governmental, public and private organizations alike play a vital role in ensuring Codex texts are of the highest quality and based on sound science.

Codex would have little authority in the field of international standard setting if it did not welcome and acknowledge the valuable contributions made by observers. Expert technical bodies, industry and consumer associations contribute to the standard-setting process in a spirit of openness, collaboration and transparency.

Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can apply for observer status in Codex in order to attend and put forward their views at every stage of the standard-setting process.

Current Codex Alimentarius Commission

Codex Observers

Czech Republic plans a series of World Food Safety Day publishing activities

Jun 19, 2020, 08:36 AM by System

Here are the planned activites for World Food Safety Day in the Czech Republic.

26 May 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish a short article containing WFSD original key messages on with refence to FAO and WHO activities; and promo materials on social media - Facebook, Twitter (following EFSA activities when key messages and promo materials (images) will be rolled out on social media in a pre-phase starting on 25 May 2020).

2 June 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish a second article concerning WFSD on WFSD history, key messages, links to EFSA, FAO, WHO web pages (following EFSA´s publication of the WFSD page on EFSA’s website on 1 June 2020).

5 June 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish the third article concerning WFSD on food safety issue, key messages, WFSD storyhouse based information.

Ministry of Agriculture will publish a Press Release.

8 June 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish an information concerning a joint EFSA/FAO meeting on social media - Facebook, Twitter (following a joint EFSA/FAO live Q&A on Twitter on 8 June 2020).

25 June 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture - Food Safety Department will publish an article in “paper” magazine Food Revue (Potravinářská Revue) on food safety issue, WFSD history, key messages.

Food Revueis a technical Journal for Nutrition, Food Production and Trade published since 2004. The aim of the journal Food Revue is to permanently offer space to experts from the above mentioned fields for publishing their opinions and a valuable technical information – workers in food industry, food trade and suppliers and services in the whole sector of food industry; and state administration bodies.

The Food Safety Department (within Ministry of Agriculture) is responsible for communication of risks acting also as the Food Safety Information Centre (, co-ordination of scientific committees providing scientific advice, co-operation with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), management of the Food Safety Co-ordination Unit, Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) co-ordination and for food from animal clones. The Department coordinates monitoring programmes for contaminants in the food chain, it co-operates with European Commission in the field of food contaminants legislation.

The Department processes applications for placing of novel foods and genetically modified food and feed on the market. It is also responsible for preparing food safety strategies.

Regarding campaign on World Food Safety Day, the Food Safety Information Centre (as a part of Food Safety Department of the Ministry of Agriculture) will publish all above-mentioned relevant information at website, Facebook and Twitter (with link to FAO, WHO and EFSA websites as well).

Users of mailing list (more than 4.000 e-mail addresses for automatic dissemination of food safety messages) will be every time informed about the changes and new campaign topics when published.

Codex and Observer

Food is a sensitive commodity, which has travelled
around the world since ancient times.
We might not always know where it comes from,
but we expect it to be available, safe and of good quality.