Netherlands and Indonesia co-host Codex contaminants meeting

Apr 25, 2019, 19:26 PM by System

The Netherlands began hosting the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Food in 2007 and in the 13 sessions since then, five have been co-hosted abroad. When business gets underway on 29 April 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia will be the sixth foreign location.

Cooperation with Indonesia … has been a joy

When a country co-hosts they make a world-wide contribution to food safety. “The Netherlands and Codex have a long history together and co-hosting for us is a means to bring Codex and everything it stands for closer to the different regions in the world”, said Wieke Tas, Chairperson of the committee. Countries that are willing to co-host can show their commitment to Codex; it is an excellent way to get attention for Codex Alimentarius in their country and strengthen the regional and local Codex organization. Co-hosting is a partnership and it requires a lot of work. “Cooperation with Indonesia for this meeting up to now has been a joy”, said Tas.

Co-hosting increases awareness

Indonesia has previous co-hosting experience, most recently Processed Fruits and Vegetables in 2010 and the Nutrition Committee in 2014. Wahyu Purbowasito from the Secretariat of the Codex Contact Point, hosted in The National Standardization Agency of Indonesia said, “We found that being co-host for Codex Committee meetings has increased awareness of the importance of being involved in Codex, not only for government institutions but also for food industries”.

Rice planting near Yogyakarta, Indonesia

One of Indonesia’s strategic goals is to increase participation and leadership in Codex work.  This can be achieved by taking part in and contributing to the development of Codex standards, co-hosting certain Codex Committees of particular interest and taking a role in Codex leadership. Purbowasito also hopes that the Codex strategic plan can encourage more national experts “to be involved in generating scientific data for the purpose of developing food standards and support their participation in scientific expert bodies”.

The co-hosting of the meeting in Yogyakarta can be used as an important stepping stone for Indonesia towards more effective participation in the activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its supporting bodies. The meeting will “provide opportunities to increase awareness of the importance of food safety and international food trade, for food officials and decision makers”, said Purwiyatno Hariyadi, from Indonesia, vice-chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Indonesia uses Codex standards as a reference in developing its national food policy and regulations. “That is why Indonesia has always been active in various Codex standard development activities”, he said.


Follow the committee on the CCCF meeting page

Read more about contaminants in food in Codex







At the heart of the Codex mandate are the core values of collaboration, inclusiveness, consensus building and transparency. Governmental and non-governmental, public and private organizations alike play a vital role in ensuring Codex texts are of the highest quality and based on sound science.

Codex would have little authority in the field of international standard setting if it did not welcome and acknowledge the valuable contributions made by observers. Expert technical bodies, industry and consumer associations contribute to the standard-setting process in a spirit of openness, collaboration and transparency.

Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can apply for observer status in Codex in order to attend and put forward their views at every stage of the standard-setting process.

Current Codex Alimentarius Commission

Codex Observers

Netherlands and Indonesia co-host Codex contaminants meeting

Apr 25, 2019, 19:26 PM by System

The Netherlands began hosting the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Food in 2007 and in the 13 sessions since then, five have been co-hosted abroad. When business gets underway on 29 April 2019, Yogyakarta, Indonesia will be the sixth foreign location.

Cooperation with Indonesia … has been a joy

When a country co-hosts they make a world-wide contribution to food safety. “The Netherlands and Codex have a long history together and co-hosting for us is a means to bring Codex and everything it stands for closer to the different regions in the world”, said Wieke Tas, Chairperson of the committee. Countries that are willing to co-host can show their commitment to Codex; it is an excellent way to get attention for Codex Alimentarius in their country and strengthen the regional and local Codex organization. Co-hosting is a partnership and it requires a lot of work. “Cooperation with Indonesia for this meeting up to now has been a joy”, said Tas.

Co-hosting increases awareness

Indonesia has previous co-hosting experience, most recently Processed Fruits and Vegetables in 2010 and the Nutrition Committee in 2014. Wahyu Purbowasito from the Secretariat of the Codex Contact Point, hosted in The National Standardization Agency of Indonesia said, “We found that being co-host for Codex Committee meetings has increased awareness of the importance of being involved in Codex, not only for government institutions but also for food industries”.

Rice planting near Yogyakarta, Indonesia

One of Indonesia’s strategic goals is to increase participation and leadership in Codex work.  This can be achieved by taking part in and contributing to the development of Codex standards, co-hosting certain Codex Committees of particular interest and taking a role in Codex leadership. Purbowasito also hopes that the Codex strategic plan can encourage more national experts “to be involved in generating scientific data for the purpose of developing food standards and support their participation in scientific expert bodies”.

The co-hosting of the meeting in Yogyakarta can be used as an important stepping stone for Indonesia towards more effective participation in the activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its supporting bodies. The meeting will “provide opportunities to increase awareness of the importance of food safety and international food trade, for food officials and decision makers”, said Purwiyatno Hariyadi, from Indonesia, vice-chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Indonesia uses Codex standards as a reference in developing its national food policy and regulations. “That is why Indonesia has always been active in various Codex standard development activities”, he said.


Follow the committee on the CCCF meeting page

Read more about contaminants in food in Codex







Codex and Observer

Food is a sensitive commodity, which has travelled
around the world since ancient times.
We might not always know where it comes from,
but we expect it to be available, safe and of good quality.