#CodexCAC39 Instagram competition

May 10, 2016, 10:42 AM by System

Codex Alimentarius launches the #CodexCAC39 Instagram contest

Post a photo, raise awareness on the importance of Codex. 

At the Codex Alimentarius Commission in Rome this June we would like to give our Codex Community the opportunity to highlight why Codex is important in their country. 

We are launching the #CodexCAC39 contest on Instagram to share photos related to the work of Codex regarding #foodsafety and fair practices in #foodtrade and to help draw attention to our work globally. 

How to participate: 

  1. Take a photo of something you want to draw attention to regarding Codex and share it on Instagram. The photo must be original, which means you should take it yourself. Your photos are governed by the Instagram terms of use.
  2. Tell us in the posting where the photo was taken, and why you think Codex is important for #foodsafety and #fairpractices in #foodtrade.
  3. Include the hashtag #CodexCAC39. Don’t forget to set your account to “public” to have your likes counted!
  4. In the first round of the contest, the 10 photos, with the most likes, drawing attention to the importance of Codex in ensuring #foodsafety and promoting fair practices in #foodtrade, will be selected for a second round of voting.
  5. The final 10 photos will be featured on the Codex webpage and on @UNFAO and @worldhealthorganization Instagram accounts.
  6. People will vote on the FAO & WHO Instagram accounts for the top three best Codex photos.


The first stage of the contest will run from 10 May until 20 June. All photos posted during this time with the #CodexCAC39 hashtag will be eligible.

The final counting for likes will take place on 21 June and the 10 finalists will be selected and their pictures posted on the FAO/WHO Instagram accounts in time for the Commission on June 27.

The second stage of the contest will run for the whole week of the Commission until midnight on Thursday 30 June.

The three most voted photos out of the ten on the FAO/WHO Instagram accounts will be announced on Friday 1st July.

Spread the word

Even if you don’t participate in the contest, you can spread the word across your network and help us raise awareness of the contest and the Codex Alimentarius. We are looking for photos related to Codex from all over the world, which can cover any aspect that you think is important and want to share. If you want to share more than one photo, please do! There is no limit to how many pictures you can post!



FAO on Instagram

WHO on Instagram

At the heart of the Codex mandate are the core values of collaboration, inclusiveness, consensus building and transparency. Governmental and non-governmental, public and private organizations alike play a vital role in ensuring Codex texts are of the highest quality and based on sound science.

Codex would have little authority in the field of international standard setting if it did not welcome and acknowledge the valuable contributions made by observers. Expert technical bodies, industry and consumer associations contribute to the standard-setting process in a spirit of openness, collaboration and transparency.

Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can apply for observer status in Codex in order to attend and put forward their views at every stage of the standard-setting process.

Current Codex Alimentarius Commission

Codex Observers

#CodexCAC39 Instagram competition

May 10, 2016, 10:42 AM by System

Codex Alimentarius launches the #CodexCAC39 Instagram contest

Post a photo, raise awareness on the importance of Codex. 

At the Codex Alimentarius Commission in Rome this June we would like to give our Codex Community the opportunity to highlight why Codex is important in their country. 

We are launching the #CodexCAC39 contest on Instagram to share photos related to the work of Codex regarding #foodsafety and fair practices in #foodtrade and to help draw attention to our work globally. 

How to participate: 

  1. Take a photo of something you want to draw attention to regarding Codex and share it on Instagram. The photo must be original, which means you should take it yourself. Your photos are governed by the Instagram terms of use.
  2. Tell us in the posting where the photo was taken, and why you think Codex is important for #foodsafety and #fairpractices in #foodtrade.
  3. Include the hashtag #CodexCAC39. Don’t forget to set your account to “public” to have your likes counted!
  4. In the first round of the contest, the 10 photos, with the most likes, drawing attention to the importance of Codex in ensuring #foodsafety and promoting fair practices in #foodtrade, will be selected for a second round of voting.
  5. The final 10 photos will be featured on the Codex webpage and on @UNFAO and @worldhealthorganization Instagram accounts.
  6. People will vote on the FAO & WHO Instagram accounts for the top three best Codex photos.


The first stage of the contest will run from 10 May until 20 June. All photos posted during this time with the #CodexCAC39 hashtag will be eligible.

The final counting for likes will take place on 21 June and the 10 finalists will be selected and their pictures posted on the FAO/WHO Instagram accounts in time for the Commission on June 27.

The second stage of the contest will run for the whole week of the Commission until midnight on Thursday 30 June.

The three most voted photos out of the ten on the FAO/WHO Instagram accounts will be announced on Friday 1st July.

Spread the word

Even if you don’t participate in the contest, you can spread the word across your network and help us raise awareness of the contest and the Codex Alimentarius. We are looking for photos related to Codex from all over the world, which can cover any aspect that you think is important and want to share. If you want to share more than one photo, please do! There is no limit to how many pictures you can post!



FAO on Instagram

WHO on Instagram

Codex and Observer

Food is a sensitive commodity, which has travelled
around the world since ancient times.
We might not always know where it comes from,
but we expect it to be available, safe and of good quality.