
Codex Contact Point

Ms. Maria Abd Elgader Ali, Standard and Quality Control Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, PO Box 285, Khartoum

+249 915029650

+249 11 781749

[email protected]

Competent authorities

Name of authority:
1.Federal Ministry of health
Environmental Health and Food Control Department

Develop policies, plans, programs and guidelines related to food safety.
• Registration of food products.
• Direct supervision of imports of food products (final product - raw materials) and the extraction of health certificates.
• Inspection of food establishments.
• Rehabilitation and training of food inspectors.
• Participation in the development of food standards.
• Participation in sanitary and phytosanitary committees.
• Participation in the National Biosafety Council's bio safety committees.
• Participation in committees of the National Council of Pesticides.
• Development of legislation and laws

Name of authority:
2.Federal Ministry of Agriculture and forestry
1.Supervision the health of plants, crops and seeds according to the SPS agreement

Name of authority:
3.Federal Ministry of animal resources and fisheries

1. Supervision of animal health from breeding to slaughter

Name of authority:
4. Sudanese Standard & Meteorology Organization
The Sudanese Standards and Metrology Authority is concerned with the issuance of certificates of conformity to the quality of the product in addition to the laboratory examination and issuance of the standard.

INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point

INFOSAN EMERGENCY Contact Point located at the Federal Ministry of Health

Food safety and consumer protection – laws and regulations

The current list of legislation, related to food safety and consumer protection in each country, is extracted from FAO's database on Food Legislation FAOLEX. While FAOLEX makes every effort to serve as a high quality, reliable source of information, no guarantee is given that the information provided in FAOLEX is correct, complete, and up-to-date.

The national Codex programme

National Codex consultative mechanism

1.Sudan has established a National Codex Committee in apparent with the establishment of Codex Contact Point .The Codex Contact Point works in close cooperation with the National Codex Committee, which has the responsibility to consider technical and related issues and formulate advice for government.
Composition of the NCC recently includes relevant government ministries, the food industry, a representative from the trading sector and consumer group beside scientific and other organizations

Providers of scientific and technical input to national consultation on Codex

Technical input and scientific consultation for codex activities is running through the National Codex Committees and other relevant technical committees in the Sudanese Standard and Metrolog Organisation and other Ministries
These Stakeholders include
1.Federal Ministry Of Agriculture
2.Federal Ministry of Health
3.Federal Ministry of Animal Resources
4.Sudanese Standard and Metrology Organization
5.Private sector
6.Federal Ministry of Industry and Trade
It is important to consider that better coordination and inclusiveness at the national level is required in attendance and engagement in Codex meetings and activities .

Risk Assessments and Scientific Data

National bodies providing risk assessment and scientific advice

There are specialized laboratories affiliated to the regulatory agencies and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research , the following bodies with there laboratories are concerned to support risk management decisions therefore Risk management decision is made based on the nature, type and degree of risk

Risk assessment, risk profiles, scientific opinions

There is no integrated risk analysis framework used by and across all CAs – food control management is therefore not conducted according to qualitative or semi quantitative risk estimates. Likewise, quantitative risk analysis and advanced techniques are not applied to food control management.

Official Laboratories

Official Laboratory:
The Sudanese Organization for Standardization and Metrology with specialized laboratories.

Official Competence:

Official Laboratory:
The Federal Ministry of Health has its own laboratories.
Official Competence:

Official Laboratory:
Agricultural research center
Official Competence:

Official Laboratory:
Veterinary research center
Official Competence:

Official Laboratory:
National Research Center
Official Competence:

Official Laboratory:
Biotechnology research center.
Official Competence:

Official Laboratory:
Industrial Consulting and research center.
Official Competence:

Official Laboratory:
• Customs Lab.
Official Competence:

Surveillance of foodborne diseases and monitoring of food contamination

National surveillance systems – foodborne disease in humans

integrated monitoring and surveillance systems are not in place across the food chain It needs to be reiterated however that substantial information is recorded and reported that could be used as a basis for an integrated system.

National monitoring systems – foodborne hazards in the food chain

There is no integrated monitoring system in place to monitor and assess Food Safety hazards in the supply chain.