
Codex Contact Point

Mrs. Ágústa R. Jónsdóttir, Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority, Austurvegur 64, 800 Selfoss, Iceland

(+354) 530 4800

(+354) 530 4801

[email protected]
[email protected]


Competent authorities

Name of authority:
The Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority

INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point

Mrs. Herdís Guðjónsdóttir, senior officer at the Competent Authority.

Food safety and consumer protection – laws and regulations

The current list of legislation, related to food safety and consumer protection in each country, is extracted from FAO's database on Food Legislation FAOLEX. While FAOLEX makes every effort to serve as a high quality, reliable source of information, no guarantee is given that the information provided in FAOLEX is correct, complete, and up-to-date.

The national Codex programme

National Codex consultative mechanism

There is informal contact between the CCP, the ministry of foreign affairs and stakeholders on a case by case basis, e.g. in relation to certain Codex meetings. Unfortunately Iceland does not have the budget or resources to hold up an effective national Codex programme.

Providers of scientific and technical input to national consultation on Codex

Innovation Center Iceland
Matís laboratory
Directorate of Health
University of Iceland

Risk Assessments and Scientific Data

National bodies providing risk assessment and scientific advice

Same as in Q.5

Risk assessment, risk profiles, scientific opinions

Not available

Official Laboratories

Official Laboratory:
Link to NRL in Iceland:

Official Competence:
1. Analysis of most common pathogens, NRL for zoonoses and viral & bactriological contamination of bivalve molluscs.
2. Food borne pathogens and animal diseases. NRL for Campylobacter, parasites, TSEs, fish diseases, bivalve mollusc and crustacean diseases.
3. Identification/confirmation of zoonotic agents.
4. Salmonella, L. monocytogenes, Campylobacter, E. coli (incl. VTEC).

Surveillance of foodborne diseases and monitoring of food contamination

National surveillance systems – foodborne disease in humans

The Directorate of Health holds a register of registered and notifiable diseases. Laboratories are obliged to notify authorities when certain microbes or toxins are analysed (e.g. Salmonella).

National monitoring systems – foodborne hazards in the food chain

Regular sampling and pesticides analysis of foodstuffs.
National annual monitoring program for veterinary residues and contaminants.
Microbiological tests (mainly own-checks by FBOs).
Sampling for trichinella analysis in slaughterhouses (horses and pigs).