
Codex Contact Point

National Food Chain Safety Office, Directorate for Food Safety Risk Assessment Kitaibel Pál utca 4. H-1024, Budapest Postal Address: H-1525 Budapest Pf. 30. Hungary

+36 1 368 8815

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Competent authorities

Name of authority:
Ministry of Agriculture
National Food Chain Safety Office

Name of authority:
National Food Chain Safety Office

INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point

National Food Chain Safety Office

Food safety and consumer protection – laws and regulations

The current list of legislation, related to food safety and consumer protection in each country, is extracted from FAO's database on Food Legislation FAOLEX. While FAOLEX makes every effort to serve as a high quality, reliable source of information, no guarantee is given that the information provided in FAOLEX is correct, complete, and up-to-date.

The national Codex programme

National Codex consultative mechanism

National Codex Contact Point (National Food Chain Safety Office) coordinates and collects input from stakeholders relevant to each specific Codex Committee. Input is sought generally from key persons in Ministry of Agriculture and National Food Chain Safety Office.
National Codex Committee Contact Point (Ministry of Agriculture) and National Codex Contact Point (National Food Chain Safety Office) coordinates national positions with the European Union Codex Contact Point.

Providers of scientific and technical input to national consultation on Codex

Ministry of Agriculture
National Food Chain Safety Office (several directorates)
National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition
Several Universities and Private Laboratories take part in the consultation process.

Risk Assessments and Scientific Data

National bodies providing risk assessment and scientific advice

National Food Chain Safety Office, System Management and Supervision Directorate
National Food Chain Safety Office, Risk Management Directorate
National Food Chain Safety Office, Food Chain Safety Laboratory Directorate

Risk assessment, risk profiles, scientific opinions

Not available yet

Official Laboratories

Official Laboratory:
Food Chain Safety Laboratory Directorate
Official Competence:
responsible for the whole food chain from farm to fork

Official Laboratory:
Food Toxicological NRL
Official Competence:
• to take part in developing the National Residues Monitoring Plan (NRMP)
• to be in connection with the European Reference Laboratories (EU-RLs) in many field, to get information about the recent methods, plans and legislation at the workshops
• to take part in comparative tests organised by the EU-RLs
• to develop, validate and implement methods of residues’ analysis
• to be in connection with the regional laboratories, to inform them about the news, to help them adopting the methods
• to organise proficency test involving the regional laboratories and private laboratories as participants
• to analyse monitoring samples

• PAH, Heavy metals, mycotoxins
• Antibacterials
• Coccidiostats, ß-agonists
• Hormons
• Pesticids, Dioxins, PCBs
• Biotoxins
• Heavy metals
• Food Contact Material

Official Laboratory:
Food Microbiological NRL
Official Competence:
Main areas of activity
I. Food microbiological diagnostic activity
official control laboratory for capital Budapest and county Pest,
investigation of foodborne disease associated samples – all the country
specific tests (eg. VTEC, Cronobacter, detection of bacterial toxins, GMO, species identification) – all the country
II. Monitoring activity (organisation of the microbiological monitoring sampling system, evaluation and reporting the results)

II. National reference laboratory tasks (food, feed)
Listeria monocytogenes,
E. coli,
microbiological contamination of milk, and milk based products
coagulase positive staphylococci,

III. Main activities in the laboratory system
(central role in the offical microbiological laboratory system consisting of seven labs with microbiological activities)

Official Laboratory:
Feed Testing NRL
Official Competence:
Physical, chemical bio-chemical, microbiological and microscopical investigations of feed - primary materials, additives, premixes, concentrates, mixes, etc.
Member of Consortium of National Reference Laboratories
Participation in:
the work of European standardization commissions
different method validation objected international proficiency testing
Collaboration in MANCP (Multi-annual National Control Plan)
Chemical safety and judgement of food quality
Adulteration, misleading of consumers related with food
Physical, chemical and organoleptic investigation of food samples
Analyses of food samples on the authority’s basis
Organisation of and participation in proficiency testing
PFF (Protein Fat Free) monitoring analyses of meat products, in case of companies exporting to the USA
NRL tasks:
• Heavy metals
• Mycotoxins
• Dioxins and PCBs
• Polyaromatyc hydrocarbons (PAH)
• Animal proteins in feed
• Foreign water content of poultry meat
• Foreign water content of milk

Official Laboratory:
Radioanalytical Reference Laboratory
Official Competence:
It performs the management of the Radioanalytical Control Network. It performs the network tasks associated with membership of the IAEA ALMERA (Analytical Laboratories for Measurement of Environmental Radioactivity) It performs the functions of the IAEA Collaborating Centre for Reference materials of land-based sources. It organizes, directs, coordinates monitoring of agricultural products and foodstuffs

Official Laboratory:
Regional laboratories (complex laboratory with microbiological, analythical, toxicological and radioanalythical teams)
Official Competence:
• Székesfehérvár Regional Food Chain Laboratory (complex laboratory with microbiological, analythical and toxicological teams)
• Veszprém Regional Food Chain Laboratory (complex laboratory with microbiological, analythical, toxicological and radioanalythical teams)
• Veszprém Regional Food Microbiological Laboratory (regional microbiological laboratory with Trichinella investigation)
• Kaposvár Regional Food Chain Laboratory (complex laboratory with microbiological, analythical, toxicological and radioanalythical teams)
• Kecskemét Regional Food Chain Laboratory (complex laboratory with microbiological, analythical, toxicological and radioanalythical teams)
• Debrecen Regional Food Chain Laboratory (complex laboratory with microbiological, analythical, toxicological and radioanalythical teams)
• Miskolc Regional Food Chain Laboratory (complex laboratory with microbiological, analythical, toxicological and radioanalythical teams)
• Szombathely (part of the RRL) specialized radioanalíthical laboratory
• Szekszárd (part of the RRL) radioanalythical and Trichinella laboratory

Official Laboratory:
Pesticide Residue Laboratories:
National Food Chain Safety Office, Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-Environment, Pesticide Residue Analytical Laboratory, Velence
National Food Chain Safety Office, Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-Environment, Pesticide Residue Analytical Laboratory, Miskolc
National Food Chain Safety Office, Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-Environment, Pesticide Residue Analytical Laboratory, Szolnok
National Food Chain Safety Office, Directorate of Plant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-Environment, Pesticide Residue Analytical Laboratory, Hódmezővásárhely

Official Competence:
Analysis of pesticide residues in food of plant and animal origin, and in environmental compartments.

Surveillance of foodborne diseases and monitoring of food contamination

National surveillance systems – foodborne disease in humans

Not available yet

National monitoring systems – foodborne hazards in the food chain

Not available yet