
Codex Contact Point

Ms Ashkhen Shirvanyan, Head of Food Safety Division, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia

+37411 597277

[email protected]
[email protected]

Competent authorities

Name of authority:
Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia
The web-site of the Ministry is

Name of authority:
Food Safety Inspection Body under the Government of the Republic of Armenia
Food Safety Inspection Body under the Government of the Republic of Armenia provides state regulation in food safety and conformity assessment, veterinary and phytosanitary. In cases, stipulated by the RA legislation, the Body implements also control functions and imposes responsible measures on behalf of the Republic of Armenia. The web-site of the Body is

Name of authority:
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia
The web-site of the Ministry is

INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point

Not available yet

Food safety and consumer protection – laws and regulations

The current list of legislation, related to food safety and consumer protection in each country, is extracted from FAO's database on Food Legislation FAOLEX. While FAOLEX makes every effort to serve as a high quality, reliable source of information, no guarantee is given that the information provided in FAOLEX is correct, complete, and up-to-date.

The national Codex programme

National Codex consultative mechanism

The Codex National Committee was established in 2012 with representatives from Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy, consumers’ rights protection NGOs, Academia, representatives from WHO and FAO Armenian offices. The members of CNC are modified as needed.

Providers of scientific and technical input to national consultation on Codex

Ministry of Economy, Food Safety Inspection Body, National Center for Disease Control, Center for Ecological- noosphere Studies, Armenian National Agrarian University

Risk Assessments and Scientific Data

National bodies providing risk assessment and scientific advice

- “Food Safety Risk Assessment and Analysis Scientific Center” state non-commercial organization of State Service for Food Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture;
- “Republican Veterinary-Sanitary and Phytosanitary Laboratory Services Center” state non-commercial organization of State Service for Food Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture;
- “National Center for Diseases Control and Prevention” state non-commercial organization of the Ministry of Health.

Risk assessment, risk profiles, scientific opinions

Activities regarding risk assessment and analysis in the field of veterinary are carried out according to Order N 352-A of 14 June 2013 of the Head of State Service for Food Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture, which refers to approval of animal health risk assessment methodology in the field of veterinary in the Republic of Armenia and establishment of risk assessment committee. On the basis of the above mentioned Order, risk assessment activities have been carried out for anthrax, brucellosis, foot and mouth disease, etc.

Official Laboratories

Official Laboratory:
“Republican Veterinary-Sanitary and Phytosanitary Laboratory Services Center” State non-commercial organization of the Food Safety Inspection Body under the Government of the Republic of Armenia
Official Competence:
Scope of competence:
• diagnostics of animal diseases (including birds, fur-bearing beasts, fishes and bees),
• expertise of animal origin food and raw materials,
• seromonitoring,
• identification of plant quarantine organisms, diseases and weeds in the territory of the Republic of Armenia,
• veterinary-sanitary expertise of animal and plant origin food,
• diagnostics of animal diseases with laboratory and other methods,
• bacteriological, serological, toxicological and parasitological investigations,
• cattle clinical examination and investigation
• laboratory expertise of plants, plant protection products, animal and plant origin products, regulated articles imported and exported by legal entities and physical persons.
“Republican Veterinary-Sanitary and Phytosanitary Laboratory Services Center” is reference laboratory for diagnostics of animal diseases (including birds, fur-bearing beasts, fishes and bees), infections and monitoring processes.

Official Laboratory:
“Food Safety Risk Assessment and Analysis Scientific Center” State non-commercial organization
Official Competence:

Official Laboratory:
“Reference laboratory center” of “National Center for Diseases Control and Prevention” State non-commercial organization of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia
Official Competence:
Carries out, within the scope of its competence, official laboratory investigations (pesticides, chemicals, microbiological, parasitological, virological, toxicological).

Official Laboratory:
Central Analytical Testing Laboratory of the Center for Ecological Noosphere Studies of the National Academy of Sciences
Official Competence:
Laboratory provides a wide range of analyses including spectral, physicochemical, conducts analyses of water, soil, plant, ore, dust and food. It has expertise in analyzing for heavy metals (metalloids), macro components, physical and chemical indices, radioactivity, pesticides, ions, organic compounds, etc.

Official Laboratory:
“Standard Dialog” Ltd.
Official Competence:

Surveillance of foodborne diseases and monitoring of food contamination

National surveillance systems – foodborne disease in humans

According to the Orders of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Armenia, the Ministry of Health implements a system of epidemiological surveillance of population, as well as epidemiological investigation of each case with initial "food poisoning" diagnosis.
The specialists from “National Center for Diseases Control and Prevention” State non-commercial organization of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia are EPIS FWD focal points of the European Center for Diseases Control and Prevention.

National monitoring systems – foodborne hazards in the food chain

Data are collected on the basis of the results obtained during state control and of the official statements received from other state institutions and international bodies.