
Codex Contact Point

National Standardization Agency of Indonesia BPPT 1st Building, 9th - 14th Floor Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.8, Jakarta 10340

+62 21 3927422
+62 21 574 7044

[email protected]


Competent authorities

Name of authority:
Ministry of Agriculture
Responsible for control the safety of fresh foods from plants and animal origin

Name of authority:
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Responsible for control the safety of fisheries and marine products

Name of authority:
National Agency of Drugs and Food Control
Responsible for control the safety of processed food.

Name of authority:
Ministry of Trade
Responsible for control the conformity of the compulsory national standard for food products such as wheat, packaged drinking/mineral water, refined sugar, and cacao powdered.

Name of authority:
Ministry of Industry
Responsible for the supervision of the compulsory national standard in the food industries.

Name of authority:
Ministry of Health
Responsible for preventing and control foodborne disease as well as control the safety of processed products that are produced by small enterprises such as street food, catering and restaurant.

Name of authority:
National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
Responsible for the development of the Indonesian National Standard (SNI)

INFOSAN Emergency Contact Point

Deputy for Food Safety Control, National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC)

Food safety and consumer protection – laws and regulations

The current list of legislation, related to food safety and consumer protection in each country, is extracted from FAO's database on Food Legislation FAOLEX. While FAOLEX makes every effort to serve as a high quality, reliable source of information, no guarantee is given that the information provided in FAOLEX is correct, complete, and up-to-date.

The national Codex programme

National Codex consultative mechanism

Codex Indonesia has been established to implement Codex activities by mutual agreement among the government agencies that have authority in the field of food safety and food trade.
The organization structure of Codex Indonesia consists of the National Codex Committee (Panitia Nasional Codex Indonesia), the Codex Working Group (Kelompok Kerja Codex Indonesia), Mirror Committees (MC), and Secretariat of the Codex Contact Point.
National Codex Committee (NCC) is the highest management of Codex Indonesia. NCC was established by the decree of Director General of National Standardization Agency (NSA) and is led by him/her as well. The members of the NCC which are representative of relevant Ministries, privates, NGOs, and experts are reviewed and stipulated every year. In 2018, the NCC member consists of relevant ministries (10 persons), industry association (1 person), expert (3 persons), and consumer organization (1 person). NCC has job and function in setting the policy of Codex Indonesia organization. As a communicator between government of Indonesia and Codex Secretariate, there is National Codex Contact Point, that is handled by NSA.

To implement Codex activities, there is a working group called Codex Working Group that is led by one of NCC member alternately for 2 years. For Codex Working Group daily activities, it is handled by NSA. Codex Working Group has jobs and functions to formulate the plan of Codex Indonesia activities, formulate annual working plan and evaluate it, identify Codex cooperation programs, discuss important technical issues that was/will be discussed in Codex forum, conduct review the implementation of the guideline of Codex Indonesia.

In the implementation, issues/agendas on Codex Committees are managed by the Mirror Committee (MC) coordinator, who is a director of relevant Ministries. Furthermore, the MCs have responsibility to prepare the national position for the Codex meeting, disseminate the result of Codex Meeting as well as manage the documentation of MC secretariate.

Mirror Committees and their host Ministries are:
1) Ministry of Agriculture:
Adjourned sine die: CCMH, TFAF, TFFBT
2) Ministry of Industry:
Adjourned sine die: CCMMP, CCNMW
3) Ministry of Trade: CCFICS
4) Ministry of Health: CCFH
5) Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Adjourned sine die: CCFFP
6) National Standardization Agency of Indonesia : CAC, CCEXEC, CCASIA, ATFC CCGP, CCMAS
7) National Agency for Drugs and Food Control: CCFA, CCCF,CCFL, CCNFSDU

Providers of scientific and technical input to national consultation on Codex

Year 2015 - 2018
1. ML for cadmium in chocolate and cocoa-derived products (CCCF)
stakeholder: National Agency for Drugs and Food Control and Ministry of Agriculture
2. ML for mycotoxins in spices (CCCF)
stakeholder: National Agency for Drugs and Food Control and Ministry of Agriculture
3. ML for inorganic arsenic in husked rice (CCCF)
stakeholder: National Agency for Drugs and Food Control
4. Data on Magnitude of Azoxystrobin and Difenoconazole Residues in Dragon Fruit (CCPR)
stakeholder: Ministry of Agriculture
5. ML for methylmercury in fish (CCFFP)
stakeholder: National Standardization Agency of Indonesia and Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
6. Review and Update of Methods in CODEX STAN 234-1999 (CCMAS)
stakeholder: National Standardization Agency of Indonesia and Ministry of Trade
7. Standard for Nutmeg (CCSCH)
stakeholder: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Trade and Spices Association
8. Standard for Pepper (CCSCH)
stakeholder: Ministry of Agriculture
9. Proposed draft guideline on integrated monitoring and surveillance of foodborne antimicrobial resistance (TFAMR)
stakeholder: Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health
10. Proposed draft revision of the code of practice to minimize and contain foodborne antimicrobial resistance (TFAMR)
stakeholder: Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health

Risk Assessments and Scientific Data

National bodies providing risk assessment and scientific advice

- Indonesia Risk Assesment Centre coordinated by Center for Research and Study of Medicine and Food, National Agency of Drug and Food Control
- Universities
- Research institutes

Risk assessment, risk profiles, scientific opinions

Link of Indonesia Risk Assessment Center is, but the result of risk assessment that have been done is not published yet.

Official Laboratories

Official Laboratory:
Center for Production, Inspection and Certification for Fish and Fishery Products, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Official Competence:
Fish and fishery products

Official Laboratory:
Center for Reseach and Development of Post Harvest
Official Competence:
Agriculture products

Official Laboratory:
Center for Agro Industry
Official Competence:
Processed Food Products and Beverage

Official Laboratory:
Center National Agency of Drug and Food Control Provincial Office in Regional
Official Competence:
Processed Food Products and Beverage

Official Laboratory:
Center for Quality Testing and Animal Product Certification
Official Competence:
Meat, sausage, meat ball, milk, nugget, cornet beef

Official Laboratory:
Center for Quality Testing of Crop
Official Competence:
Tomato, chili, apple, orange

Surveillance of foodborne diseases and monitoring of food contamination

National surveillance systems – foodborne disease in humans

Based on The Government Regulation No. 28/2004 on Food Safety, Quality and Nutrition, there is a mechanism to investigate any potential outbreaks. Local government has responsible for investigating foodborne outbreak, and when needed, they could coordinate with other CAs (e.g., BPOM, provincial offices). The investigation may include seeking the source of the food and sampling for analysis. The outbreaks shall be reported within 24 hours through an SMS gateway.

The Ministry of Health has also stipulated the decrees regarding surveillance systems, namely Regulation No. 2/2013 on foodborne disease outbreaks and Regulation No. 45/2014 on food borne disease surveillance. These regulations are implemented by local government at district level. Health officer conducts monitoring for 23 notifiable diseases (diarrhea, dysentery, etc) and reports it monthly.

National monitoring systems – foodborne hazards in the food chain

Each relevant ministries (MoA, MoH, MoFM, MoT and NADFC) has monitoring system for collecting data on foodborne hazards in food. The kind of food monitored based on its authority, for instance, MoA focus on fresh food, either plant or animal origin.