FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund

The Codex Trust Fund supports countries to build strong, solid and sustainable national capacity to engage in Codex.

Between 2004 and 2015, the FAO/WHO Project and Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex (Codex Trust Fund) supported over 2300 participants from developing and transition economy countries to participate in the international standard development process, and provided FAO/WHO Codex training to over 1200 people to boost the effectiveness of their participation in the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Building on the success of the first Codex Trust Fund, FAO and WHO are launching a successor initiative to the Codex Trust Fund (CTF2) in January 2016.

Focus of CTF2

CTF2 will require US$ 3.3 million per year to support each eligible country at least once over the 12 years of the fund.

CTF2 will shift the focus from widening participation in Codex to building a strong, solid, and sustainable national capacity to engage in Codex.

For more information visit the Codex Trust Fund website

Key facts

How does it work?

Applications from eligible countries or groups of countries are assessed through a fair and transparent process and successful applications receive support for up to three years.


Between 2004 and 2015 the first Codex Trust Fund (CTF1) supported 2359 participants from developing and transition economy countries to participate in Codex meetings and over 1100 participants in training courses and workshops.

Why is a new fund needed?

During the lifespan of CTF1, membership of Codex grew from 169 to 188. It is vital that developing countries continue to participate in the international standard setting process and they still require assistance.

Investing in the Codex Trust Fund will yield health and economic gains through safer, better food for everyone, everywhere